Getting Started

Magellan Health App Developer Portal

By registering to Magellan Health Developer Portal it allows Developers to:

  • Register Third Party apps
  • Access app in sandbox and production environments
  • View support documents
  • And more.
Portal Registration Process

Follow the steps below to create an account for the Developer Portal:

  1. Go to Developer Console
  2. Click Register
  3. Create an account by completing all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) under the User Information section. Once completed, click Continue.
  4. A confirmation link has been sent to the email address you provided. Please follow the instructions on the email to activate your account.
  5. Log in to the portal using the Username and Password you created
  6. Enter the Authentication Code sent to your registered email and click Submit. You will be redirected to the Developer Dashboard.
Registering a New Application

Follow the steps below to register a new application:

  1. Once you log in, click on Register Now under New Application Registration box.
  2. Complete all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) under the New App Registration pages.
  3. Click Save
  4. A Client ID and Client Secret Code will be generated. Take note of this information for future reference.

Please note: New application registration requests will be sent to the Administrator for approval. You may view the status of your registration, app information and more in the Manage Applications page.

Managing Applications

Follow the steps below to manage all the applications you have registered in the portal:

  1. On the Dashboard, click Manage Applications to view Application IDs, Application Names and Application Statuses of all the registered apps. For those Apps whose status is Approved, you may edit the App details and save your changes.
  2. To view the Sandbox Key for the apps that have sandbox access, click on View Sandbox Key and a pop up will appear with your sandbox credentials. The sandbox environment grants you access to view and retrieve data.
  3. To view the Production Keys for the apps that have production access, click on View Production Key and a pop up will appear with your production credentials.
Viewing Available Apps

View your available apps by visiting the Application Library.